Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Military & Feminine


This was a hard one to figure out. I knew that I wanted to wear an olive top, since that is typically found in army uniforms. However, I had to think hard what items of clothing I own qualify as feminine. Ah, a dress! So, granted this is more of a tunic. And, I'm giving bohemian vibes with the beads and brown bracelet. However, it's all good, haha!

olive vest--remixed TJMaxx
mustard colored tunic Marshalls
multicolored earrings Target
brown bracelet ?
olive gladiators--remixed Steve Madden
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  1. I had a hard time with this one too! You did a great job though pairing the olive green and the yellow dress! The sandals are a perfect touch :)

  2. I really love what you did - super cute! Great color combination. Yeah, this was a challenging trend to try and tackle. But I think you pulled it off perfectly!

  3. @Style Journey--thank you for the lovely comment!

    @Callie--I totally googled "military & feminine" and this color combination came up. I don't know why I never thought to try this combo before!!

  4. I love the color combo with those insanely amaazing sandals. I think you did a great job. Military doesn't have to be straight up uniform, just inspiration of metals, toughness, and olive drab. You hit the nail on the head with this outfit.

  5. Such pretty colors together! Also love your stripe-floral mix from yesterday.

  6. @Megan Mae--I have to keep this balance in mind for the next challenge (hint, hint)!

    @Keely--Thanks! I need to check your blog to see how you've interpreted this challenge!

  7. I love the green and bright yellow together! I never thought to pair those two colors together either, but they're gorgeous!

  8. You look so flippin cute! I love that yellow on you and those gladiator sandals are fabulous! Kiah
