Friday, August 12, 2011


Stripes  by The Chocolate Wonder
Stripes , a photo by The Chocolate Wonder on Flickr.

Hey... long time no see! I've been a lady of leisure all summer... well, it's ending soon because my school's staff is due back next Tuesday.

On the house hunting tip, the sellers accepted our offer! So now we have to get a lawyer and inspection done as soon as possible. I don't think it will hit until we get the keys in our hands. It's still crazy exciting though!

black & white polka dot scarfthrift
black camisole Wet Seal
black & white shirt Old Navy
tan capris TJMaxx
black sandals BOC by Born


  1. Congrats on finding a house! That can be so hectic. You can finally breathe once you get those keys in hand- lol.


    *New Follower*

    Like the title of your blog "Getting Fine"- I heard that-lol

  2. Thanks, Nique :)! That's my sister in law's middle name so you must be good people!

  3. AH! You look so fierce. I love stripes! Great look - super nautical!

    AND YAY FOR THE HOUSE. Major congrats, girl!

  4. Just popping in to see if there were any house updates. yes I know this is an old post. lol. Wondering if yall closed already and how things went. I'm still thinking of ya!
