Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Kendi's 30 for 30 Wardrobe Challenge

I've decided to join Kendi's 30 for 30 Wardrobe Challenge--30 items remixed and worn for 30 different days! 30 for 30 Banner

Here are some pictures of the items I'm remixing:

Four vests and cardigans--
30X30 Challenge--(4) Vests and Cardigans

Eleven tops and blouses--
30X30 Challenge--(11) Tops and Blouses

Seven dresses--
30X30 Challenge-- (7) Dresses

Four pairs of shoes--
30X30 Challenge--(4) Shoes

And, four skirts--
30X30 Challenge---(4) Skirts

Wish me luck!!


  1. NO pants?! Wow. :) I'm in awe.

  2. No pants at all! Pants, heat, my thighs--not a good combination, lol!
