Monday, March 4, 2013

Spring 30 for 30 2013 #1

Well, I've given myself a challenge for the month of March--a Spring 30 for 30 Wardrobe Remix. I tried to take a picture of all of my pieces and it was an utter fail, haha! Anyways, I'll let you see the pieces as I remix them. A short list of items include: black, olive, indigo, gray pants (4) indigo striped, light blue, bright blue, white, black circle, black/pink blouses (6), orange/red, black, blue striped, blue polka dots skirts (4), gray, leopard, and purple dresses (3), navy, purple, and magenta cardigans (3), mustard/blue/black/white and navy/kelly green/white blazers (2), kelly green and lime green sweaters (2), tan oxfords, metallic, casual brown boots, black wedges, gunmetal oxfords, brown loafers (6). Today's mix was easy--black with pattern! black and white circle blouse thrifted (Style & Co.) black pants thrifted (The Limited) coral skinny beltthrifted black polka dot tights Target? black wedges Blondo via P.S. I'll be replacing the black pants and lime sweater soon because both have outlived their purpose and/or do not fit me the way that I would like it to.

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