Monday, April 11, 2011

Lime, Turquoise, & Navy

I had this color combination written in my inspiration journal for a while now. I was debating on wearing my turquoise sandals with this, but it's not quite so hot for that. I discovered a small hole in this skirt (sad face) so I'm on the hunt for a replacement.

light green cardigan-- thrifted
forest green necklace--thrifted
green multicolored earrings-- ?
navy t-shirt-- gap
turquoise skirt--remixed chadwicks
gray open toe wedges--remixed clarks

1 comment:

  1. It's great to meet another young, Black, wife/mom/and teaching professional who is also very, very stylish!
    I put similar colors together recently, but I really like the presence that the navy has with this outfit!
