Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Fruits Week--Watermelon

I swear that this cardigan isn't as loud in person, haha! I think that this is a better attempt than yesterday. 17 more school days to go!!

pink & green cardigan Dress Barn (thrifted)
orange & green earrings--remixed made by coworker
fuchsia t-shirt Gap (thrifted)
blue/green necklace--remixed thrifted
gray denim skirt--remixed Old Navy
rose colored flats--remixed Target


  1. I love your cardigan! It's not loud at all. It's so pretty and perfect for watermelon day.

  2. I don't think your cardigan is loud at all. It fits perfectly in with the Watermelon theme. You look springy!

  3. I agree, it's a fabulous 'watermelon' piece, and not too loud at all. Love your little pink flats too.

  4. Thanks, ladies! And, thanks, Megan, for challenging us with Fruits Week!
